Augustina: Hello guys, today the topic of our Friday’s talk is “Implementing Creativity into Teaching English.”
Serious Guy: Oh, gosh, not creativity again! She is bloody kidding me!
Alan: A soft snore is being audibly heard - a gurgling purr from Alan’s window.
Gabriella: Oh, knickers! twist my soul! He’s fallen into a slumber again!
Georgette: ‘Peaceful slumber’, notes Georgetta, ‘I love watching him asleep, he is so adorable!
Gabriella: Please, somebody poke him!
Elinor: Well, we cannot poke him, we are online, have you forgotten!?
Bob: Oh, guys, let’s get it over with, I need to get back to correcting your activities and find the missing author. Daisy, yell something out into his screen!
Daisy: Starts singing ‘rise and shine, rise and shine, Alan, you’d better come online’
Alan: Starts showing signs of consciousness, begins stirring a little bit and in his sleep, mumbles something gentle indistinctive but stubbornly refuses to wake;
finally Augustina roars raucously ‘FIRE!!’ and hits the table with her well trained iron fists. The windows shatter and the door falls off its hinges.
Daniel: Come on, guys, give him a break. He’s been teaching English for 25 years for God’s sake! If anybody has the right to have a little nap during our Friday talk it’s Alan.
Alan is slowly raising up dazedly, pokes his glasses up his nose, yawns theatrically, pinches his beard and with a wise academic expression on his face monotonously drawls: ‘Guys, do you know that science proved that the best way to make a student memorise a word is authenticity. The word snoring requires authenticity and practice, so I was just practicing.
Augustina: ‘Of course you were, barks Augustina, snappily; now everyone is ready, can we start our discussion please?
Gabriella: Giggles, just got the text from her boyfriend, Toreodoro, who had been trampled by the raging bull; all savings go to her.
The End of the first episode of "The Magic Beans"
Artwork: Anna Makieieva
The Magic Of Writing 2006 - 2023 Doggedly Extracted From The Adventurous Midst Of Turquoise Imagination Via Sergey Denisov