"Unexpressed Energy Stuck Inside? Turn This Unreleased Lump of a Darkened Sky Into Something Practical, Tangible as a Skill or Knowledge"
Georgetta: Ah, for me, I’ve noticed what always works when dealing with difficult folks - the strict, stony, expressionless, penetrating teacher’s stare. You just keep staring and they start fidgeting about, fumbling around but finally submit - put their act together and the shadow of discipline creeps in time just fine.
Augustina: Oh, an interesting technique, Georgette, but I’d say it’s rather school-like approach which a lot of chaps have an allergic reaction to, these days, which, truth be told, is a bit out of touch with modern pace and we are innovative institution, you must remember; you, Gabriella?
Gabriella: ‘Well, if I’m dealing with a difficult dude’, rampled Gabry, ‘I just double pace the tempo - blabbing like a hip-hop Cadillac; they are like ‘what the hell?!’ They don’t have time to be difficult, they have to pay attention to catch the drift of what I’m saying, to understand me. And actually they try to listen to, otherwise they lose track of things and their pride is fragilely tragically hurt because of my reprimand, which follows.
Augustina: Yippee, that’s more or less closer to our Ditty Poomps company’s philosophy - a division of the Mocksinity branch, I must add. And we have left—oh yes—Alan and Daniel - what are your takes on the topic, chaps?
Alan: I think difficult students are, like teachers - work in progress—always present, like gravity, always difficult, it’s just the matter of grasping their attention and redirecting it into the positive outcome; and it’s like Daisy said, you can simply ask a question and turn their difficulty into a brisk conversation, that releases and dissolves mutiny via understanding the cause that triggers difficulty.
Augustina: Oh, that’s very philosophical, Alan, very philosophical and psychological as well as educational indeed, and you Daniel?
Daniel: Um, if they are being difficult it just means one thing - there is something brewing on the inside; personally, when I have these little peccadilloes I simply take my guitar, write a song or compose a story and that’s what I bring to the table, what I offer and not as a last resort obviously but we actually compose stories and create tunes during the class together.
Augustina: ‘That’s my boy!’ Augustina flatters sincerely. We are getting there, we are getting to the point, which is that a difficult student is no more nor less but a person with unexpressed energy stuck inside for whatever reason—song that hasn’t been released yet—and your job, my lovely dudes is to help a student to convert this unreleased lump of a darkened sky into something practical, tangible as a skill or knowledge. Class dismissed.
English Via Storytelling 2024 Doggedly Extracted From The Adventurous Midst Of Turquoise Imagination Via Sergey Denisov.